Josh Orr | Jake Hattaway | Tyler Hill | Alex Leibrock | Trevor Watring | Oliver Foster
Words: Rich Hoppe | Video: Tyler Hill | Photos: Cannon-Fodder.com
Click here for the 2017 Points Standings
April 8, 2017 the Series Finals are at:
Stop #3 began for most with a healthy drive to Wedgewood Ramps in Youngstown, Ohio. The park is a family owned and ran facility, we were greeted by owner Russell Kaye and his son, Russell Jr. The Kayes are very warm hearted and super down to earth people, I personally think that everyone should give them high fives for what they do every day for the scene, and for the fine folks in the Youngstown area.
We arrived 15 minutes before the contest was set to start due to some flat tire shenanigans at our lunchtime pit-stop. Grandpas Cheesebarn in Ashland, Ohio is about half way and the grilled cheese sandwiches from the deli are served on a take home Frisbee, it’s a must stop if you happen to be in the area. The Classes were stacked as we had over 50 entrants in total for stop #3, not to mention a posse of family’s and friends from Canada. Joyride 150 in Toronto is putting out some top-notch up riders and we all love to see them ride and cheer folks at our events.
The Beginner Class was no exception, 16 fine young ones were ready to rock the park as we broke them down to an 8 man final. In the end the class podium was completely covered with our supporters from the great white north. Team Canada took home 1,2 and the 3rd spot in beginner, huge thanks to everyone from Canada for supporting some midwest BMX!
Beginner Class Finals:
- Jonathan Morrison
- Gabriel Pearson
- Quinn Chippman
- Mac Lewis
- Dylan Schialdone
- Danny Marciniak
- Luca Facchini
- Henry Guthrie
Intermediate Class Podium
Intermediate Class went off with 12 riders, the class was moved down to the top 6 for the Finals, congratulations to all the riders for competing in the Battle for Midwest BMX.
Intermediate Class Finals:
- Grayden Schneider
- Dorian Gioncarlo
- Ben Webber-Kramer
- Braxton Lockner
- Dylan Morrison
- David Ousterhouse
Expert Class Podium
The Expert Class was also pretty stacked with over 16 folks entered it was going to be a wild time for sure. The riding was extremely good out of all the riders and I for one am glad that I don’t have to judge when it comes to times like these. We took the top 6 for a 15 minute JAM style finals and the results looked just like this. #Bumlife
Expert Class Finals:
- Caylob Oney
- Curtis Roden
- Trevor Watring
- Brandon Collette
- Bum Life
- Tyler Hill
Open Class Podium

The Open Class at Wedgewood ramps was once again horribly close to pro level riding. 14 riders in total entered and we broke the class down to a 6 man final. Giovanni literally took the win by 1 point over Jamie Thayer. Everyone who entered the class ruled the park and kept us all entertained as we enjoyed all the action from the Open Class.
Open Class Finals
- Giovanni Mavar
- Jamie Thayer
- Chris Maloney
- Jaden Chippman
- Ryan Snisko
- Vince Smith
Stop #4 – Ohio Dreams on April 8, 2017 – Flyer and Updated Info Coming Soon